Its been a long long vacation and i was out of line for several days... Well, i enjoyed spending those times with my family but honestly i missed writing and updating this blog a lot.
I wondering what to write today, i wish to start a new year with something meaningful and useful to all of you. Then it came to me, why not share some tips on how to avoid getting scammed?
Well, i am sure most of you already knew about almost every precautions on how not to get scammed but i still wish to share to you a couple of things i learned that may still useful on your online journey.
One of this is study every details of a program before signing in. Know every in and out of that site and if possible, solicits some advices and feedbacks from other online money seeker. Read every details of its terms and conditions... remember that your ignorance is their opportunities.
Second... for writers like me, it is important to maintain a blog for this will serve as your protections from scammers and plagiarism if in case your employer refuse to pay you. This really works specially if your into academic writings. Some of the students comes up with several issues and complaint with your works but the bottom line is they just don't want to pay you. And your works will still be use and passed to their schools. If you notice your argument with your student client is leading to this, quickly post your works on your blogsite so that it won't passed to turnitin and cannot be used by that student.
These are just few of my tips. Next week i'll try to write more but for the mean time just be careful ok? :)

i can understand that we need an outlet to write after that long holiday with the family. you are just bursting with ideas! so lets blog on!
hi! hows your holidays?? I have updated my old blog and I saw that you have left me a comment there! hows your online money making doing so far?? I admire your consistency in blogging.. as for me sometimes I am into it but most of the time I forget to blog.. hahaha.. hope you can drop by my site.. comment ka naman.. bago ang layout ko.. =)
Happy Holidays!
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