I was able to write with them few projects. It really looks promising but their system is just too
slow. I don't know if they designed that on purpose to delay their payments. I been writing with them since September and until now i haven't received any payment from them. Writers.ph always comes up with site announcement few days before their payment day. New policies is being implemented and its really threating on the part of the writers because you don't know if this announcement may affect your earnings and or it may cause delays on your payments again.
They even charges you with several unexplained deductions; low quality, plagiarism, sub-standards...etc. even if your client already accepted and benefited on your works. With the evidence i gather from the documents sent by writer.ph it was very clear how they are underpaying their writers. In one order, they offered $ 18.90 for 3 pages finance coursework but when i look at the fax file you'll see that they charges the client with $ 49.00 and the worst... i was faxed addressed to www.bestessay.com. This is really misleading site.
This is my personal experience with writers.ph... I hope you could learned from this. There are still many Legit opportunity you could get online unfortunately, i can't included writers.ph to be one of them.

After some time i realized how a writers.ph client has cheated me, which force me to canceled the order and cost me $8.40 dollars fine. I should have done this before, well its better late than never. Here is the article i wrote and sent for him to make sure he won't benefit from this:
Legal Technology
The confidentially of any information of client and its case status are one of the primary ethical obligations of practicing lawyer. And with the fast growth of technology now days which continuously affecting a lot of industries including the service provided by the law firms, it interfere directly if not indirectly affecting this code of ethic on confidentiality.
Paralegal are known to be a person who is directly working with the license lawyer. He or she is rendering assistance and retained under the employment and supervision of a lawyer. Paralegal must attained requirements of education, training and experiences in legal works to practice such profession. Its obligation are to work directly and solely for the lawyer assistance.
With the statistic provided by International Paralegal Management Association 2005 surveys, shows the increasing numbers of paralegal people that depends on the use of technologies.
Technology Most Often Used by Paralegals In Survey by the International Paralegal Management Association (IPMA), the most frequently used programs as reported by responded were:
Microsoft Word 99%
Document management programs 83%
General Internet research 74%
Spreadsheets 57%
Databases 57%
Billing applications 53%
Litigation support 75%
Electronic court filing 42%
Online docket programs 33%
Trial presentation 25%
Exhibit 1.1 IPMA survey result
Source: 2005 Utilization Survey IPMA
Technology in Law Office p.3
Paralegal should now be in needed of another resources in able to compete the circulation. This could only mean that the demand for additional people such as the help of IT or computer literate people with advance knowledge to work with technologies and its system.
In legal world, the more people involved in data processing and safekeeping would only uncomfortably put the data in exposure and prone to linkage. Moreover, the threat of having your system hacked by cyber pirates are always at present since most of these documents are uploaded using wireless technology.
The developments of our computer technologies are truly a big help for lawyers. It helps speed up the process of lawyers document in much little time and efforts yet, parallel to this, the risk of linkage increases as well. Nobody can really assure the security confidentiality of client’s documents. If technology provider had developed technologies that secure your file…one thing for sure, they also had the technologies to expose it.

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