Of all the site i been with, Ciao! may not be the most generous but i may say is the most legit and really pays. For giving just 5 minutes (at the most) of your time to register and make a standard product review of 120 words, you'll be paid $ 0.25 and more. Ciao has a lot of ways to let you earn money. You could also get paid with the reads, rates and comments of a friend or any ciao members. If your earning reaches the minimum pay out of $5 you could already request payment from them and they are processing payment request every 15th day of the month. Just like having friendster account, you'll be having list of friends and your own circle of trust. But unlike friendster, your friends are your key to increase your earnings. The more friends you make the more earnings you could have. also, by inviting a friend will make you $1 richer plus 50% of your friend's earnings on reads and rates for their first six months without taking anything from them with Ciao's affiliate bonus programs.
The concept is simple... Ciao is a marketing company and instead of paying hundred of dollars for other survey company, ciao goes directly to the consumer which is you and pay you by sharing your personal thoughts about any product available with ciao. Its a win win deal for every consumer and also a perfect training ground if you wish to improve your writing skills. Ciao is also light when it comes to censorship. If you think you are not satisfied with the product, just say it and you'll still get your earnings. They just want to know your thought and as of October 15,2008, Ciao is already acquired by Microsoft. You can check it by your self.
I am already a member of Ciao! and already made $60++ just for writing few product reviews. This December 15,2008 i am expecting my $53.64 from them which will be paid thru my Paypal account
If your searching for site that really pays, take few minutes to register with ciao and see what this site could do for you.
Click and register! Your ciao career starts here:

1 comment:
ive seen your thread and your blog is ok. Im not expert however ive seen blog na hindi mo maintindihan buti pa nga tayo pinoy maayos gumawa.
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